
C5 13th Annual Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation in Europe


The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries are becoming increasingly competitive in the IP sphere. There will inevitably be areas where overlapping, interference, and marketing come into play. However, the ability to secure and capitalize on the investment in patent rights and IP protections will mean a greater economic return for your products as well as IP portfolio. Hear from every major global life science IP stakeholder and strengthen your patent litigation strategy at this virtual conference on Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation in Europe.

Fish attorneys Brian Coggio and Jon Singer will present at this conference on February 23.

Brian Coggio will be a panelist on “The Evolution of Safe Harbours and Patent Exemptions in Europe and the United States: Understanding the Expanding Reformation to Patent Infringement.”

Jon Singer will be a panelist on “Virtual Opposition Proceedings Before the EPO, the Appeal Court of the Hague and in the PTAB.”

For more information or to register for this digital event, click here.

February 23-25, 2021
Virtual Event